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By: Kate Slate

The University of North Carolina TEACCH Autism Program recently partnered with the Autism Society of North Carolina and the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute to provide Black families with the resources needed to help navigate an autism diagnosis. Our study’s principal investigator, Kathleen C Thomas, served as a co-investigator on the collaborative.

The project, Black Families and Providers Accessing Service Together (BFAST), connects members of the Black community with accessible and culturally acute resources to address their needs pertaining to an autism diagnosis. The website features three interactive tools that help families build a care team tailored to their specific needs – such as a child with sensory challenges or parents who struggle with transportation to services – and plan for the future.

In addition to identifying needed services, the site provides resources to help families find providers, such as the Autism Society of North Carolina Resource Directory and Work Together NC’s Find Services tool.

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